For your home - holiday let - pub - hotel - restaurant - office - shop - gallery & more.
I listen > understand > think > offer creative & functional solutions to fit your needs > add a personal "olala" dimension by thinking outside the box to achieve a truly unique & best result that is most pertinent to you.
Note that the humain brain acquires 90% of its information from sight & hearing, with the remaining from smell, touch & taste.
5 to 16% of the general population have symptoms of sensory processing disorder. This is higher for people with autism & ADHD.
15 to 20% of the population have high sensory processing sensitivity which means greater sensitivity to the environment & social stimuli.
1.7 million school pupils in England have been identified SEN.
That sensitivity has been hidden from me on a previous design project & if I would have known about it I would have included those important needs to my design choices.
Colour preferences, patterns, textures, sound of switches, layout, lighting & more can make a real difference on how one can feel at home.
I would take care to create a special & safe environment for you with the upmost discretion.
I would also recommend to think about the above for commercial projects.
You choose how much of my involvement you need >
1 > perhaps you know exactly what you want but just lack of time to get the job done.
2 > perhaps you are a little lost with how to start the project and just need my experience to kick start.
3 > perhaps you would like my specialist knowledge all the way / to co-ordinate all the strings via a full interior design service.
4 > perhaps you want a bespoke art / furniture / floral commisssion.
Colour & Material Advice

As a colour & trim specialist:
@ Citroën ( Paris studio) > creating colour paints for the car industry / selecting colours themes -
developing the interior trims ie patterns / textures /stitching / how to apply technical novelties.
@ l'Agence ( Paris) trend setting agency > choosing the new colour trends for the next season.
@ Land Rover ( UK) advanced design studio pushing boundaries throughmaterial applications.
I am captivated by how colour affects us & am highly skilful in combining colour schemes to apply on various surfaces / objects...
Let me help you finding the right balance of colour that fits your environment, playing with a variety of tones & working on the level of contrast that will transform the ambiance.
Space Planning - Layout Advice

How to best utilise your space, no matter the size.
Some buildings are confined, compartmentilised, some spacious & open.
I will visit, study architectural plans if available
( or take notes - measurements myself), design a better solution for your living space.
I will follow progress closely at each stage & coordinate with the installation teams
to insure the best finish ( final quality control).
The right layout is essential for a well designed interior.
If no walls are moved we can still re-think the space to make it more coherent.
In addition, I can draw a 2D layout to help you visualise the concept ( location of furniture).
Personal Interior Shopper -
Interior Stylist

1 > provision of an online list of prospective items.
2 > visiting shops together.
This is another sensory exercise where I visualise & consider abstract notions such as sight (volume proportions / distance to other items & openings / reflective aspects) - touch (balancing a variety of textures) - hearing (accoustics) - smell.
Interior Finishes Advice
flooring - wall covering...

I provide samples or go shopping with you to guide you in finding the most suitable products fitting your needs.
It will alleviate stress for you in the knowledge that I have an eye for style, detail, awareness of the actual market & the competitivness of product's prices ( quality / price - durability).
Full Design Interior Service A to Z

The flow in between rooms is key in an interior.
Understanding how you move & live / interract
( single / as a couple or a family - with or without pets) is necessary to communicate for my progress.
Focusing on location ( quiet / noisy areas inside / outside your space) / re-adjusting layout for a better circulation / how to include furniture & lighting for contemporary needs all with my eye for detail / quality, safety, design & beauty.
1 > We can start from a phone call, you sending me plans / link to rightmove + emailing me as much information possible about your space
+ images that may have inspired you to begin this project ( pinterest, blogs...).
2 > with all your information at hand, I can study and make my 1st visit more efficient.
3 > I develop mood boards to inspire an optimal direction, whilst proposing other routes also.
4 > we reflect on mood boards & agree on a clear direction.
5 > I supply a 2D layout of furniture placement.
6 > I gather extra samples - progressing into more depth & detail - showing objects selected to purchase.
7 > A team of painters / floor fitters get the interior done.
8 > staging of purchased items from deco - art - furniture while windows are measured to determine weather to buy or order bespoke fitting...
I will be easily contactable at all times & will liase with you regularly to discuss progress, making sure each party is satisfied & comfortable to be open about any necessary amendments.
This will allow for a smooth & successful project.
Decluttering Service

1 > Keep it - loose it.
2 > or move it!
The history - functionality or aesthetic of theitems may only need re-locating due to practicality or to be "highlighted" better.
Your room will now breathe looking organised & welcoming.