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Exclusive Services

​I listen > understand > think > offer creative & functional solution​s to fit your needs > add a personal "olala" dimension by thinking outside the box to achieve a truly unique & best result that is most pertinent to you. For your home - holiday let - pub - hotel - restaurant -office - shop  - gallery




​Pick a Design Service à la carte & choose how much of my involvement you need


1 > perhaps you know exactly what you want but just lack of time to get the job done.

2 > perhaps you are a little lost with how to start the project & just need my experience to kick start.

3 > perhaps you would like my specialist knowledge all the way / to co -ordinate all the strings via a full interior design service.

​​4 > perhaps you want a bespoke art / furniture / floral commisssion.

Services Menu

Colour & Material Advice


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As a colour & trim specialist: @ Citroën ( Paris studio) > creating colour paints for the car industry / selecting colours themes - developing the interior trims ie patterns / textures /stitching / how to apply technical novelties.

@ l'Agence ( Paris) trend setting agency > choosing the new colour trends for the next season.

@ Land Rover ( UK) advanced design studio pushing boundaries through material applications.


​​I am captivated by how colour affects us & am highly skilful in combining colour schemes to apply on various surfaces / objects...

Let me help you finding the right balance of colour that fits your environment, playing with a variety of tones & working on the level of contrast that will transform the ambiance. ​​​​​​​​​​​​​​


Personal Interior Shopper -

Interior Stylist

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1 > provision of an online list of prospective items.

2 > visiting shops together.

This is another sensory exercise where I visualise & consider abstract notions such as sight (volume proportions / distance to other items & openings  / reflective aspects)  - touch (balancing a variety of textures)  - hearing (accoustics) - smell.

Decluttering Service


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1 > Keep it - loose it.

2 > or move it!

The history - functionality or aesthetic of the items may only need re-locating due to practicality or to be "highlighted" better. Your room will now breathe looking organised & welcoming.

Staging Holiday Let

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To differenciate yourself from the competition. You want to appeal to every potential visitor clicking on your property file & photographs, making them fall in love at first sight & decide to book your property immediately

instead of going back to the long list of other holiday lets.

I will study your location & conceptualise potential themes, adapt the usual touristic themes of your area with a twist or discuss other avenues with you.

Your project can become as original or dramatic as you want it to be.

First impression is key: people mostly look for a clean, airy place that feels cosy. Therefore I will optimise your sense of space to a maximum

( choosing & positioning furniture - objects avoiding clutter - selecting colours & materials that fit).

Note that I can also stage your holiday let

for events or christmas only...

Staging Objects - Decoration


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1 > I can stage your interior with what you already have to make it all work & flow better together

= work with what we have there - no extra shopping expenses.

2 > I can shop on your behalf ( decorative objects  / furniture / furnishings / lights - art....) to fill the gaps in your home.

Finding & placing the missing items to re-juggle your interior, redefining your environment - creating a new fresh look with a real before & after "wow" factor.

Staging Plants - Flower Arrangement


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Greenery / dry / paper or fabric high - quality flowers add incredible dynamics to an interior.

Line, colour, space & texture bring these 3D sculptures to life, their abundance, proportions add rhythm & balance to the room.

I play with light & shadow, place them in an original way "as a vase is far from the only answer".

Although firmly placed, this staging adds value & interest via a delicate touch in the same way fabrics can soften the look of the interior.

These become real creative installations that add atmosphere with elegance & personality.

Bespoke Art Installations


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This art is more set on a large scale for big spaces, luxury homes, as well as public areas like squares, shops windows, hotel - restaurants, spas, museums...

It is designed for a specific space & can be temporary or permanent.

This is where my fine art - product & car design experience add to my spatial interior skills.

I will go through the creation stage with you,

develop after agreement & arrange all the fitting with my specialised team (from electrician to sound engineer...).

Car Design


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After two degrees & a masters @ The Royal College of Art ( London) , sponsored by Land Rover, I worked for the up - market / premium brands specialising in the field of luxury. From main design to advanced design studios, from Colour & trim to interior design teams, the level of precision & the demand for innovation was such that I have been able to push boundaries & influence the future of a brand direction. From conception to production & surrounded by great teams of engineers / clay modellers / painters, my experience led me to pitch & advise clients on various aspects of a project & included

being a guest speaker at conferences

& forums in & out of the UK.... 

Branding - Logo Design


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A logo gives 1st impression to the market ensuring that your business will stand out from the competition. It establishes what your brand stands for & how it will be perceived whilst reflecting your brand DNA & core values... It  becomes more familiar as your brand grows. Visual simplicity is key: it should be appropriate - memorable - timeless - impactful. 

Interior Finishes Advice

flooring - wall covering...

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I provide samples or go shopping with you to guide you in finding the most suitable products fitting your needs. It will alleviate stress for you in the knowledge that I have an eye for style, detail,

awareness of the actual market & the competitivness of product's prices

( quality / price - durability).

Space Planning - Layout Advice


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How to best utilise your space, no matter the size.

Some buildings are confined, compartmentilised, some spacious & open. I will visit, study architectural plans if available ( or take notes - measurements myself), design a better solution for your living space. I will follow progress closely at each stage &coordinate with the installation teams to insure the best finish ( final quality control). The right layout is essential for a well designed interior. If no walls are moved we can still re-think  the space to make it more coherent.  In addition, I can draw a 2D layout to help you visualise the concept ( location of furniture).

Staging Property

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This marketing strategy will help estate agents selling much faster. For those who are not familiar with it, staging is about appealing straight away to a wider range of buyers, by understanding interior do-s & don't-s, in a stylish but neutral way whilst also considering the competiton.

Staging will make you stand out in the higher market value bracket & produces stunning photographs. This results in you spending less by staging your property rather than reducing the sales price.

Staging Art Pieces

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Placing your art or searching / finding art work to create an engaging experience: a story.

The positioning of art needs to be meaningful & impactful whilst organising the space.

Like curating, I immerse myself in a theme, selecting works that embody the concept & communicate with one another, creating a visual & conceptual dialogue.

Natural & artificial lighting play a significant role

in the way we read a 2D or 3D art piece.

I also introduce contrast to keep the wall & space dynamic through a variety of styles & moods, periods or medium.

How much significance you wish to display

the piece? ( focal point or subtle placement?).

I will consider & apply your answer through the choice of location, scale, proportion & height ( are you viewing it from a sitting position or standing & passing it...).

Staging Christmas


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I can set the whole christmas spirit into place to create a magical atmosphere if you lack time: in your home or your pub / restaurant -

window shop - holiday let - office. 

I can add a bespoke christmas art installation... 

This can be photographed to include in your advertising / on social media before the organised event happens.

Bespoke Furniture / Furnishings / Lighting Commissions

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My product design + car design studies + work experience focused on 3 dimensional objects.

Sometimes the right furniture just isn't available on the market or antique centers / online...

This is where the exact piece we need for your interior can take shape & I can instruct my furniture maker to execute my drawings to scale.

I can design you whole kitchen for a bespoke planned result with every functionality & new technology included.

Maybe you only wish to re-use your old kitchen but want me to re-design the doors for a complete new look.

Furnishings & lighting available to commission as well.

Full Design Interior Service A to Z

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The flow in between rooms is key in an interior.

Understanding how you move & live / interract

( single / as a couple or a family - with or without pets) is necessary to communicate for my progress.

Focusing on location ( quiet / noisy areas inside / outside your space) / re-adjusting layout for a better circulation /

how to include furniture & lighting for contemporary needs all with my eye for detail / quality, safety, design & beauty.


1 > We can start from a phone call, you sending me plans / link to rightmove + emailing me as much information possible about your space

+ images that may have inspired you

to begin this project ( pinterest, blogs...).

2 > with all your information at hand, I can study and make my 1st visit more efficient.

3 > I develop mood boards to inspire an optimal direction, whilst proposing other routes also.

4 > we reflect on mood boards & agree on a clear direction.

5 > I supply a 2D layout of furniture placement. 

6 > I gather extra samples - progressing into

more depth & detail - showing objects selected to purchase. 

7 > A team of painters / floor fitters get the interior done.

8 > staging of purchased items from deco - art - furniture while windows are measured to determine weather to buy or order bespoke fitting...


I will be easily contactable at all times & will liase with you regularly to discuss progress, making sure each party is satisfied & comfortable to be open about any necessary amendments.

This will allow for a smooth & successful project.

Bespoke Art Commissions

(check my Art Gallery + Shop)



My favourite way of communicating

started with drawing.

I focused & believed in my passion

studying at the Louvres ( Paris),

enjoying life drawing,  sculpting &

expressing myself with pretty much

every medium I could hold onto.

My experience in interiors lead  me to

create bespoke art work for my clients tailored

to achieve the perfect look

most complementary to the interior design.

As I am immersed in your project already, understanding your taste &

knowing all about our chosen colour schemes / patterns & house content,

I can create art that matches perfectly

with your environment.

When many pieces are commissioned,

I can vary in: 

1 > style ( drawn sketches / painted canvases / hand made or digital collages

created on photoshop... ) 

2 > medium ( canvas / plexiglass /

metal / ceramic /fabric print...) 

3 > mood ( fun / poetic / dramatic - minimal / abstract / naturalistic...)

Creating the impression that more than 1 artist has been involved.

Only galleries wish to see 1 artist = 1 style.

The truth is that a real artist keeps exploring styles in the search of the "certain je ne sais quoi",

it is a life quest.

As a bespoke piece, you can

follow the progress & provide input if you wish

( ie. if you prefer 1 item of the composition more faded in the background or something bigger, smaller or more colourful...).

A truly enjoyable experience in the making

to get exactly what you are dreaming of.

Stratford - upon - Avon

Warwickshire / England

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