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The Old Rectory 18 century / grade II listed / main house 5358 sqft - 498 m2 / annexe 1059 sqft - 98 m2
2.6 acres of gardens & grounds running down the river Avon / Welford - on -Avon / Warwickshire / UK
Commissioned to re-think the new kitchen extension alongside a sound & technical engineer via mood boards.
The 1st step was to divide this space into an industrial - practical prepping space / contemporary isle space / minimal sociable eating space / earthy space (children area hands-on / wet zone) / soft-cosy warm sitting space by the fire & Grand doors ( see plan below).
From that division generated concepts communicating how we should deal with lighting in this voluminous open area: design - led by form & function. A big wide space with high ceilings can easily feel & look empty or cold
so the main aim was to find clever solutions where light in itself is treated as an object - a space filler that brings various atmospheres suitable for different times of the day & always capable to fulfill the range of needs of this large family.

The Old Rectory industrial practical zone mood board

The Old Rectory cooking area - industrial practical zone > make a feature of the brick wall using light / main purpose cooking: allow flexibility + ease visibility for prep / cook / read

The Old Rectory wall lighting solutions mood board: exploring new technologies to reveal a dynamic set up where light is treated as a tool helping to create a space in itself.

The Old Rectory dining area mood board

The Old Rectory dining area

The Old Rectory eating area - industrial practical zone > 5+ in the week / 6+ at the weekend / dinner parties

The Old Rectory living area mood board

The Old Rectory living area: offering atmospheric light for a relxing / sociable time - supporting reading with appropriate light source - focus on a central fire place not to be forgotten when unlit > fill dark space with the right ambiant light
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